user-guide-img User Manual

This manual focuses on the configuration items specific to the Auth server. If you need more in-depth information on general configuration issues, please refer to the UNICORE/X manual.

settings-img Installation


The Auth server should be run as a non-root user (e.g. unicore). It requires

The Auth server needs an X.509 certificate and truststore for communicating with the UFTPD Server.

Users must be able to access the Auth server’s https port. It is possible to deploy the Auth server behind a UNICORE Gateway (please see Running the Auth server behind a UNICORE Gateway below).


The UFTP Auth service is distributed either as a platform independent and portable tar.gz or zip bundle available at It comes with all required scripts and config files to be run as a standalone application. To install, unzip the downloaded package into a directory of your choice.


You can run the service in an existing UNICORE/X server (8.0.0 or later). Please see Installing the Auth server in an existing UNICORE/X server below for details.

Basic server configuration (memory etc)

The configuration file contains basic settings such as the Java command, JVM memory etc. Please review it.

The Auth server host and port are configured in the configuration file:

# if running behind a UNICORE Gateway or a NAT router,
# set the baseurl

Also in the configuration file, the server’s X.509 private key and the truststore settings need to be configured.

Starting and stopping the service

Use the shell scripts in the bin folder to start or stop the service.

configuration-img Configuration

The following items need to be configured in the Auth server’s file:


This service provides two features

  • AuthServer

  • DataSharing

both are enabled by default. To disable data sharing, set


There are no further configuration options for these features.

UFTPD server(s) configuration

For each UFTPD server that should be accessed, you’ll need to configure the relevant properties in the Auth service’s config file.

The authservice.servers property is a list of server names. These should be meaningful, since users will need to use them, too. The other properties are used to configure the UFTPD command address and the UFTPD listen address. Please refer to the UFTPD manual for more information about these ports.


human-readable description of the UFTPD server


the IP address of the UFTPD listen socket


the port of the UFTPD listen socket


the IP address of the UFTPD command socket


the port of the UFTPD command socket


whether SSL is used to connect to the command socket. This MUST be set to its default of true in a production environment!


whether to enable the reservations feature


JSON file containing reservations definitions


The listen socket address will be communicated to clients, who will attempt to connect to that address. Therefore, this has to be a public interface. For example, if you are running UFTPD behind a NAT router, you have to use the IP configured as the ADVERTISE_HOST in the UFTPD configuration.

For example, we want to configure two UFTPD servers named CLUSTER and TEST:

# configured UFTPD server(s)
authservice.servers=CLUSTER TEST

# configuration for 'CLUSTER' server
authservice.server.CLUSTER.description=Production UFTPD server

# configuration for 'TEST' server
authservice.server.TEST.description=Test UFTPD server

To allow the Auth server access to the command port of UFTPD, you need to add an entry to UFTPD’s ACL file. This is explained in the UFTPD manual.

Round-robin use / grouping of UFTPD servers

You can configure multiple UFTPD servers to form a logical UFTPD server. The idea is that multiple UFTPD servers are used in a round robin fashion to provide better performance.

Also, this mode of operation will provide fail-over if one of the UFTPD servers is down for maintenance or upgrades (or because of some error).

In this case the configuration for the logical server has multiple blocks numbered 1, 2, …

Each block configures one physical server. For example:

# configuration for multiple UFTPD instances
# providing the logical 'CLUSTER' server


authservice.server.CLUSTER.description=Production UFTPD server on CLUSTER

User authentication

The Auth service is a RESTful UNICORE service, and as such all the configuration details for a UNICORE/X server apply here as well.

We summarise the most important details, please refer to the UNICORE/X manual if you want to learn about further options.

The enabled authentication options and their order are configured in | SSHKEY | UNITY

The available options can be combined.

Username-password file

To use a file containing username, password and the DN,

This configures to use the file conf/rest-users.txt. The file format is

# on each line:
# username:hash:salt:DN
demouser:<...>:<...>:CN=Demo User, O=UNICORE, C=EU

i.e. each line gives the username, the hashed password, the salt and the user’s DN, separated by colons. To generate entries, i.e. to hash the password correctly, the md5sum utility can be used. For example, if your intended password is test123, you could do

$ SALT=$(tr -dc "A-Za-z0-9_" < /dev/urandom | head -c 16 | xargs)
$ /bin/echo "Salt is ${SALT}"
$ /bin/echo -n "${SALT}test123" | md5sum

which will output the salted and hashed password. Here we generate a random string as the salt. Enter these together with the username, and the DN of the user into the password file.

Unity SAML authentication

You can also hook up with Unity, passing on the username/password and retrieving an authentication assertion.

Unity OAuth bearer token authentication

To have Unity check the client’s OAuth token:

SSH Key validation

This authentication option is based on the validation of a token using the user’s public SSH key. The token will be checked, and if successful, the user will be assigned a distinguished name for later authorisation.

SSH keys are read from the user’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, but can also be managed manually in a dedicated ssh keys file.


SSH key validation will not work for users on Windows, since the UFTP stand-alone client does not yet support SSH keys on Windows. We recommend adding a username/password option for Windows users.

SSH key validation is configured as follows:

# authN

When used like this, the users get an automatically assigned DN. By default, the DN is CN=<username>, OU=ssh-local-users. Using the PAM attribute source (see below), authenticated users can be assigned the user role automatically without further configuration.

The user DN can be modified by configuring the DN template like this:

#DN template used for SSH key mapping. The %s is replaced by the username, OU=ssh-local-users
Manual SSH key mapping

If you want to map ssh keys to DNs manually, a file is used. Entries in the file override the keys read from ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

# configure SSH keys file

It contains the mappings and the ssh public keys in a simple format:

# Example SSH users file used with the SSHKEY authentication method

#format: username:sshkey:DN
demouser:ssh-rsa keydata_was_omitted testkey:CN=Demo User, O=UNICORE, C=EU

The SSH key is in the same one-line format used in the .ssh/authorized_keys file.

You can enter multiple lines per username, to accommodate the case that a user has different SSH keys available. For example

# Example SSH users file with multiple keys per user

demouser:ssh-rsa <...omitted keydata...>:CN=Demo User, O=UNICORE, C=EU
demouser:ssh-dss <...omitted keydata...>:CN=Demo User, O=UNICORE, C=EU
otheruser:ssh-rsa <...omitted keydata...>:CN=Other User, O=UNICORE, C=DE

Attribute sources

Please refer to the UNICORE/X manual on how to set up and configure attribute sources like map file or XUUDB.

To use the automatic SSH key mapping, please use this config snippet

# attribute source(s)

In this way users that successfully authenticate with their SSH key get the user role automatically.

Attribute mapping

After successful authentication, the user is assigned attributes such as the Unix account and group which is used for file access.

The Unix account and group are taken from the configured attribute sources (e.g. XUUDB). Since it is possible to access multiple UFTPD servers using a single Auth server, it may be required to configure different attributes for different UFTPD servers. This is easily possible using the file attribute source (map file).

It is also possible to control which directories and files a user can access. This is done by configuring the allowed and/or the forbidden file path patterns.

The following map file entry gives a full example.

<entry key="CN=Demo User,O=UNICORE,C=EU">
   <attribute name="role">

   <!-- default Unix account and group -->
   <attribute name="xlogin">
   <attribute name="group">

    <!-- UFTP specific attributes -->

    <attribute name="uftpd.CLUSTER.xlogin">
    <attribute name="">

    <!-- optional rate limit (bytes per second) -->
    <attribute name="uftpd.CLUSTER.rateLimit">

    <!-- optional includes -->
    <attribute name="uftpd.CLUSTER.includes">
    <!-- optional excludes -->
    <attribute name="uftpd.CLUSTER.excludes">


Here, the CLUSTER must match a configured UFTPD server, see also UFTPD server(s) configuration. Available attributes are


the UNICORE role, usually this will be user.

xlogin, group

Unix account and group to be used for this user.


the number of bytes per second (per transfer) can be limited. You can use the units “K”, “M”, and “G” for kilo, mega or gigabytes, respectively.


file path patterns (separated by :) that are allowed. If not given, all the user’s files can be accessed.


file path patterns (separated by :) that are forbidden. If not given, no files are explicitely excluded.


It is possible (v2.8.2 and later) to define reservations, i.e. time slots where certain users can get more of the available bandwidth for UFTP transfers. During such a reservation, other users are rate-limited. The Auth server reads reservations from a local JSON file, which can be edited at runtime by an admin.

To enable, define the following two settings in the UFTP configuration section:

# configured UFTPD server(s)

# enable reservations feature for 'CLUSTER' server

The reservations.json file can be added / edited at runtime, and updates will be read from it.

The format of the JSON file is the following:

  "reservations": [

            "name": "reservation1",
            "from": "2023-08-31 16:00",
            "to":   "2023-08-31 18:00",
            "uids": [ "user1", "user2" ],
            "rateLimit": "10m"

            "name": "reservation2",
            "from": "2023-09-22 08:00",
            "to":   "2023-09-22 09:00",
            "uids": [ "user3" ],
            "rateLimit": "100k"


and should be self-explanatory. The from and to fields give the start/end time of the reservation in yyyy-MM-DD hh:mm format, while the uids lists the Unix logins of the users that should NOT be limited to the transfer rate given by rateLimit.

The rate limit is optional, and defaults to “10m” i.e. 10MB/sec.

Note that the rate limit can only be applied to new connections, all FTP sessions already existing at the start time of the reservation will not be affected.

testing-img Checking the installation

You can check that the server works using a simple HTTP client such as curl to access the Auth server’s base URL, provided you have configured username/password authentication.

The command

$ curl -k https://<host:port>/rest/auth \
        -H "Accept: application/json" \
        -u username:password

should produce a JSON document containing information about the configured UFTPD servers and their status, such as

{"TEST": {
  "availableGroups": [
  "description": "Default UFTPD server for testing",
  "gid": "users",
  "href": "https://localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST",
  "rateLimit": 209715200,
  "status": "OK [connected to UFTPD localhost:64435]",
  "uid": "somebody",


If you do not get any output, try adding the -i option to the curl command, most probably the username/password is incorrect.

integration-img Installing the Auth server in an existing UNICORE/X server

This option is interesting if you are already running a UNICORE installation and want to allow your users the option of using the standalone UFTP client. This requires UNICORE/X version 8.0 or later!

  • copy the authserver-*.jar file to the lib directory of UNICORE/X

  • copy the XACML policy file 30uftpAuthService.xml to the conf/xacml2Policies directory

  • edit (or uas.config) and setup UFTPD details and, if necessary, RESTful user authentication as described above

gateway-img Running the Auth server behind a UNICORE Gateway

If you want to place the Auth server behind a UNICORE gateway for easy firewall transversal, you need to configure an entry in the Gateway connections config file, and set the container base URL property (container.baseurl) in the Auth server’s This option is also useful when the server’s listen address differs from the publicly accessible server address, such as when running the Auth server behind a NAT firewall.