usage-img Basic Usage

In this manual, we use the following format to indicate commands that you can type on the command line:

$ some_command

and assume that the bin directory of the UFTP client is on your path.

  • Invoking uftp without any arguments,

    $ uftp

    will list the available commands.

  • Invoking

    $ uftp <command> -h

    will show help for a particular command

  • Invoking

    $ uftp -version

    will show version information.

  • For password authentication, the password can be given on the commandline, for example

    $ uftp ls -u demo:password https://localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/home/demo/
  • When you specify the -P option, the password/passphrase will be queried interactively

    $ uftp ls -u demo -P https://localhost:9000/rest/auth/TEST:/home/demo/

See also

For detailed usage instructions and examples, refer to the User Manual.