app-package-img Building

This page shows how to build the latest version of the UFTP client directly from the sources.


You need a git client, Java (11 or later) and Apache Maven.

Cloning the GitHub repository

The UFTP client is maintained as part of the UFTP repository

Clone this repository:

$ git clone
$ cd uftp

Creating distribution packages

The client code is in the uftp-client directory.

$ cd uftp-client

The following commands create the distribution packages in tgz, deb and rpm formats. The versions are taken from the pom.xml.


$ mvn package -DskipTests -Ppackman -Dpackage.type=bin.tar.gz


$ mvn package -DskipTests -Ppackman -Dpackage.type=deb -Ddistribution=Debian

rpm redhat

$ mvn package -DskipTests -Ppackman -Dpackage.type=rpm -Ddistribution=RedHat