UFTPD Server

The UFTPD server provides a high-performance data transfer based on passive FTP.

UFTPD Server

The UFTP server listens on two ports (which may be on two different network interfaces):

  • the command port receives control commands

  • the listen port accepts data connections from clients

The UFTPD server is controlled by an Auth Server or UNICORE/X via the command port, and receives/sends data directly from/to a client machine (which can be an actual user client machine or another server).


  • FTP-compliant data server running on a POSIX file system

  • Runs privileged on a server with access to the file systems to be served, fully drops privileges to current user for all operations

  • Requires

    • Python 3.6 or later

    • Server certificate

  • Firewall requirements

    • Allow incoming connections to listen port (FTP port)

    • Enable FTP connection tracking OR open port range

    • Allow incoming connection to control port from Auth Server

user-guide-img User Manual

Installation and Operating the UFTPD server.